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Welcome to SpexHost! SpexHost is your solution to reliable and affordable shells. SpexHost strives to satisfy each and every customer. Its founding fathers were once customers of shell companies too, and they knew exactly what...
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Member Since:July 12, 2010       flag

Welcome to SpexHost!

SpexHost is your solution to reliable and affordable shells. SpexHost strives to satisfy each and every customer. Its founding fathers were once customers of shell companies too, and they knew exactly what customers are looking for in terms of Support and Service. SpexHost has a promise to all its customers to have the absolute best support and service in the shell hosting industry.

Our servers come with advanced DDoS-Mitigation to help lessen the effects of DDoS attacks on our network. No longer worry about your connection dropping due to Denial of Service or other unwanted traffic.

Company Email: service@spexhost.com

Company URL: http://www.spexhost.com/

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Total Reviews 3     Positive 3     Negative 0

Adam Hamot

November 2nd, 2010    

SpexHost is a very good company with great products and good prices. Before using SpexHost I was using Santrex and it was HORRIBLE. My Santrex shell was ALWAYS down which I find ridiculous. After switching to SpexHost my BNC RARELY goes down and its so easy to get support since they have multiple IRC channels that you can talk live with people that work for the company. Overall a very good company and if you want a shell/bnc/server from them then buy! 😀

    • 55555
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Patrick Marcotte

November 2nd, 2010    

5 stars. SpexHost has been hosting my BNC’s and eggdrop’s for over a month now with NO DOWNTIME whatsoever. I have found my home and will continue to support and stay with SpexHost for as long as I can.

The tools and features they offer are easy to use, and incredibly easy to understand. Their systems are advanced but simple – a brick wall built to withstand any impact. I am happy that they are my host.

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Kevin Murphy

November 2nd, 2010    

SpexHost has been nothing but awesome. Sign up was a breeze and I had my website up instantly, along with the cPanel information. Wicked fast servers and fast support via Email or IRC! SpexHost has been the best hosting experience I’ve come accross. I didn’t really know any of the guys who worked for SpexHost when I first found them but they’ve always been friendly and ready to help. The price I got for my services are unbeatable, not to mention the support they offer, even on IRC! Hands down SpexHost is the best, and I don’t think they will be going anywhere any time soon.

    • 55555
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