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Arctic Servers is a fairly old company which first specialised in purely game servers but has now expanded its boundaries into web hosting, and even dedicated systems. Founded by Louie in 2012 with the aim...
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Arctic Servers is a fairly old company which first specialised in purely game servers but has now expanded its boundaries into web hosting, and even dedicated systems. Founded by Louie in 2012 with the aim of providing quality game servers for a small range of specific games, he built the foundations for something special. Since then Arctic Servers has expanded its horizons to provide servers across the globe for a huge range of customers which keeps on expanding daily, with the team at Arctic Servers we are constantly striving to make our servers the best of quality and expanding our team to guarantee someone will be there if they’re ever needed.

Arctic Servers is a company dedicated to bringing it’s customers 99% satisfaction with their service. We aim to achieve this by provide multiple types of servers in various locations around the globe at very cheap prices.

Date Founded: 2012-10-10
Coupon Codes: REVIEW2013 – 15% Off Your First Order!
Website: http://www.arcticservers.co.uk/