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Global Frag Servers is a company based out of California that offers premium services for the gaming community. After closing down in early 2008, they stride to re-build their reputation by reopening with a new...
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Member Since:August 8, 2009       flag

Global Frag Servers is a company based out of California that offers premium services for the gaming community. After closing down in early 2008, they stride to re-build their reputation by reopening with a new look for the gaming community. The company has associated itself with taking pride in putting their customers first and foremost.

Always striving to raise the bar of perfection, Global Frag provides our users with the most advanced services that others just can’t compete with. We intend to continue our tradition of excellence by exercising our professionally trained staff, continuing our push for affordable server hosting, and giving the customer what is demanded in the competitive environment we have today.

Email Address: support@globalfrag.com

Company URL: http://www.GlobalFrag.com

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Total Reviews 23     Positive 22     Negative 1


April 13th, 2013    

The operator of this company is a thief and I would avoid doing business with them.


All of the information regarding this will be forthcoming in this thread. You could be buying stolen equipment from them!

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April 6th, 2012    

I ordered a dedicated server from them with Windows 2008 standard. I was very impressed by how they offered me a great deal on the server. I was with another competitor started with “colo” crap… Their network failed once a month and it started to get annoying and did not like it at all.

I am no on my 6th month with them and so far no problem and I really appreciate their services, highly recommended and I hope they go far with this.

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October 7th, 2011    

I have been really impressed to how much GlobalFrag has grown. I have been with them since around 2008 running my dedicated server. Since day one they had shown great customer support and provided the best network service(s) that I have seen compared to many competitors and huge companies like softlayer. They are unique medium sized and are able to handle my situations.

But now since I am running out of money I won’t be able to afford it. Even though Alex provided me with another great discount just for the hope I can stay, but I have no choice but to decline his offer.

Once I settle in I will go back to them no questions asked.

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