Akliz is pleased to announce the availability of its Minecraft servers. Our goal is to bring you the friendliest, highest performing, and most affordable Minecraft servers. We bring our excellent 5-year track record for hosting to running your Minecraft server. We are also a BBB accredited business.
We include all necessary features of a Minecraft server at a single low monthly payment. Such features include Craftbukkit, FTP, an easy-to-use comprehensive control panel, and thoughtful support. We are passionate about service and will treat you with respect, fairness, and integrity.
Lag is not a word at Akliz. Load up your server with plugins and you will continue to experience fabulous server speed. Akliz is a high performance hosting company with a gaming-optimized infrastructure. We use custom servers and monitor them to ensure that your Minecraft server is speedy and reliable.
Coupon Codes: None Available
Website: http://www.akliz.net