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Provision Host
Akliz is pleased to announce the availability of its Minecraft servers. Our goal is to bring you the friendliest, highest performing, and most affordable Minecraft servers. We bring our excellent 5-year track record for hosting...
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Akliz is pleased to announce the availability of its Minecraft servers. Our goal is to bring you the friendliest, highest performing, and most affordable Minecraft servers. We bring our excellent 5-year track record for hosting to running your Minecraft server. We are also a BBB accredited business.

We include all necessary features of a Minecraft server at a single low monthly payment. Such features include Craftbukkit, FTP, an easy-to-use comprehensive control panel, and thoughtful support. We are passionate about service and will treat you with respect, fairness, and integrity.

Lag is not a word at Akliz. Load up your server with plugins and you will continue to experience fabulous server speed. Akliz is a high performance hosting company with a gaming-optimized infrastructure. We use custom servers and monitor them to ensure that your Minecraft server is speedy and reliable.

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Website: http://www.akliz.net