M6.Net provides reliable, affordable and flexible Windows Hosting – Since 1997. we’ve always provided the most discounted Windows Web Hosting prices. Develop and host sites built with a mix of PHP, ASP.Net and ASP connecting to MySQL and SQL Server databases.
We started M6.Net in 1997 as we required our own Rapid Application Development and Hosting Platform to build and run our web sites and web applications. We setup servers for our own applications and offered hosting to those who also needed a flexible hosting environment to develop and run their own web applications. We were frustarted by the lack of care of other shared hosting providers and their extremely rigid and systematic approach blocking the simplest of things we needed to get done. We saw a need for people like us who needed to run multiple web sites and multiple databases, custom components – people like us who needed freedom to push the edge of technology without the prohibitive expense of running a dedicated server and network environment.
Vision: “At M6.Net, we are always dedicated to providing a flexible, fast, and reliable network-Windows hosting platform that is affordable for people around the world; to experience the power and freedom to develop their part of the internet, to share important information and applications with anyone, anywhere, anytime”
Mission: “To always be developing our business, technology, operational methodologies and teams to provide the best Windows hosting service to clients to create and control their space on the internet to share their important information with anyone, anywhere, anytime.”
Date Founded: 06/06/1997
Coupon Codes: Check Back Shortly
Website: http://www.m6.net