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GEL-gaming was established in 2011 to provide reliable, friendly and affordable game servers for clans and individuals. Founded by four gaming enthusiasts we understand what true gamers require and need. We maintain and monitor our...
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GEL-gaming was established in 2011 to provide reliable, friendly and affordable game servers for clans and individuals. Founded by four gaming enthusiasts we understand what true gamers require and need. We maintain and monitor our own dedicated servers with the highest quality hardware and software we know you will be proud to say you have a game server from GEL-gaming.

We have 24/7/365 support available via our ticket system and will always endeavour to answer any queries or support request within 20 minutes.

Our EU dedicated servers are located in Roubaix 4 data centre (Paris) which also has two separate 10 Gigabit networks and direct peering points in Paris, London, Frankfurt and Amsterdam with a total network bandwidth of 120Gbps

We have a saying at GEL-Gaming – Ping is king but stability for the WIN! Which is why we may have a slightly higher ping of 2-4ms but stability and reliability is our focus.

Date Founded: 11/01/2011
Coupon Codes: BRANDNEW – 30% off your bill for life with SA:MP servers.
Website: http://gel-gaming.co.uk

Streamline Servers established in 2007, is already renowned for its reliability and quality products in both New Zealand and Australia. Streamline currently offers hosting for a variety of titles including Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty series, Minecraft as well as other specialist needs such as mumble voice servers. The Streamline vision is to offer a service that is primarily concerned with quality service and high uptime. Prices vary but are widely regarded as more than reasonable and definitely worth the quality product. Purchase a server today at www.streamline-servers.com

Date Founded: 05/03/2007
Coupon Codes: Check Back Soon
Website: http://streamline-servers.com

Coupon Code: 994gsprating
Expiration Date: No Expiration
Website: http://www.hostgator.com

$0.01 for the first month of our Hatchling & Baby plan. $9.94 off of any other package.

Eleven2 is a web hosting provider comprised of talented designers, developers, musicians, film makers, business owners, writers, photographers, and much more. All of us at Eleven2 are a lot like you, making it easier for us to understand and deliver exactly what it is that you need.

As Eleven2 continues to grow and expand, it is important for us to hold on to our roots as a company who invests everything into our customers. These characteristics have prompted our current success and isolated us from the rest of our competition. Eleven2 is set at a great pace to change the world of web hosting by treating customers like people, one person at a time.

Date Founded: 06/14/2003
Coupon Codes: firstmonth99off – 99% off of your first month on any plan.
Website: http://www.eleven2.com

M6.Net provides reliable, affordable and flexible Windows Hosting – Since 1997. we’ve always provided the most discounted Windows Web Hosting prices. Develop and host sites built with a mix of PHP, ASP.Net and ASP connecting to MySQL and SQL Server databases.

We started M6.Net in 1997 as we required our own Rapid Application Development and Hosting Platform to build and run our web sites and web applications. We setup servers for our own applications and offered hosting to those who also needed a flexible hosting environment to develop and run their own web applications. We were frustarted by the lack of care of other shared hosting providers and their extremely rigid and systematic approach blocking the simplest of things we needed to get done. We saw a need for people like us who needed to run multiple web sites and multiple databases, custom components – people like us who needed freedom to push the edge of technology without the prohibitive expense of running a dedicated server and network environment.

Vision: “At M6.Net, we are always dedicated to providing a flexible, fast, and reliable network-Windows hosting platform that is affordable for people around the world; to experience the power and freedom to develop their part of the internet, to share important information and applications with anyone, anywhere, anytime”

Mission: “To always be developing our business, technology, operational methodologies and teams to provide the best Windows hosting service to clients to create and control their space on the internet to share their important information with anyone, anywhere, anytime.”

Date Founded: 06/06/1997
Coupon Codes: Check Back Shortly
Website: http://www.m6.net

Coupon Code: gspblog25off
Expiration Date: No Expiration
Website: http://www.hostgator.com

This coupon will reward you with 25% off any HostGator package.