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GotFrag.com – MoB Gaming has seen success as an organization with multiple successful divisions including the CS (now Pandemic) and CoD squads. MoB has now decided to test the waters of TF2, with what could...
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Published on:June 6, 2009       flag

GotFrag.com – MoB Gaming has seen success as an organization with multiple successful divisions including the CS (now Pandemic) and CoD squads.

MoB has now decided to test the waters of TF2, with what could definitely be a top team. Justin, recently of iDemise, will be leading the team with an experienced cast. One of the first things which jumps out is seeing Ryan “sycknesS” Mitchell on the roster. Some of the other players are from the Balloons pug which competed and placed second in last CEVO-f season.

Nick “TheFragile” Leon supplied me with a few answers about the new team and Mitchell.

“SycknesS is on their (pure) roster for ESEA, and he’s on our roster for CEVO. He’ll stick with whoever he likes more sometime later. We came across mob because I’m good friends with ChimPae (he plays for one of their CoD squads). This roster really isn’t a pug. Justin asked some teamless players and we formed a pretty solid team in my eyes.”

The team is currently playing in the CEVO OCZ tournament which is in its second round.

MoB’s Roster

United States Bryan “bLackstar” Johnson
United States Justin “Justin” White
United States Craig “Nightmare`HX” Webb
United States Nick “TheFragile” Leon
United States Matthew “TecHNaSTy” Lorenzini
United States Ryan “sycknesS” Mitchell
United States Brenden “brenden” Johnson

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